Medical Negligence and Malpractice Lawyer in
New York and Surrounding Area and the Surrounding Areas
If you or a loved one is a victim of medical malpractice or negligence, you should consult with a lawyer who has specific experience in this area of law. These cases can become complicated and it is hard to prove fault and negligence without an exhaustive investigation. Attorney Stephen R. Chesley represents victims of medical malpractice in New York and Surrounding Area.
In New York, the statute of limitation is two years and six months from the date of the injury. Various state laws dictate what constitutes medical malpractice. Work with a local and experienced malpractice lawyer to learn more about how these laws affect your case. Contact Attorney Stephen R. Chesley today to discuss your situation.
What Is Medical Liability?
Medical care providers- doctors, nurses, dentists, therapists, surgeons, etc. -are expected to provide care up to certain standards accepted in the medical community. When they fail to live up to that standard, patients can be seriously injured or become seriously ill; that’s the basis for a medical liability claim.
Since most medical providers have malpractice insurance, a case in the U.S. usually begins as an insurance claim, made by the attorney for the patient. If liability is admitted and damages can be agreed, the case will be settled early to reduce the amount of costs payable. Otherwise, the plaintiff will file suit in the appropriate court. Between the filing of suit and the trial, the medical malpractice attorneys for the parties will engage in discovery, which includes interrogatories, requests for documents, and depositions.
Consult With a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Today
Are you ready to speak to a malpractice lawyer? Reach out to The Law Office Of Stephen R. Chesley, LLC today to make an appointment as soon as possible. Get a free case evaluation in New York and Surrounding Area today; contact Attorney Stephen R. Chesley.